The Digital Renaissance: Balance your new Superpower.

April 30, 1993, ring any bells?

The internet.

This groundbreaking technology changed our lives.

Some used it to look up their college football team news, others leveraged it to make them rich.

There are also unicorns like Mark Cuban. He envisioned the future, bet on it, did both, and became a billionaire.

A new technology has arrived.

It will revolutionize our lives quicker and with greater impact.

Artificial Intelligence.

Some interesting stats;

77% are concerned that AI will cause job loss in the next year.

97% of business owners believe ChatGPT will help their business.

The message these have is that it is clear that we must embrace AI.

We must learn how to leverage it to stay competitive.

What separates you from your colleagues or competitors?

We know the majority of our results come from uncomfortable, focused work.

This will always be true. But…

We now have a superpower!

Imagine you now can train an infinite number of staff to do very specific tasks for you.

They are also better than you could ever be at those tasks and do them in an instant.

Let's train one.

Hello newbie!

Please scan your 1.4 trillion data points for information on the biggest food suppliers worldwide.

Then cross-reference it with these 3 white papers on the food waste crisis.

When coming up with how to solve this problem, please take the approach Socrates would.

Also, please incorporate design thinking methodologies and the book Dan Goleman wrote "Emotional Intelligence" to influence it.

At this point, your employee is getting ready.

Now you must prompt them to ask you questions they may have and answer them.

You now have an employee who is an expert food waste consultant.

They can deliver a personalized strategy of how you would solve the problem if you were that expert.

You can also continue to use them anytime in your work again as they are now trained.

A friend of mine Jordan is a leading voice in AI and he can give you better examples in his free course of how to use chatGPT and other technologies.

Don’t worry, chatGPT isn’t writing this newsletter…

This superpower is available to all.

Yet, the majority of us aren’t using it.

We all know and believe how important it is to chop the logs and carry the water.

But, at this juncture at where we are at this moment, it is so important to learn, adapt, and implement this new technology.

I have saved so much time recently and been grateful for it.

Our most precious resource? Time + Intention.

Sometimes we need to embrace a little soul-searching and get honest.

Instead of reading the latest information we should be out networking.

Instead of going to Bulk Barn and Costco, we should relax without tech or TV.

AI is in its infancy and it will give us the agency to be more creative and spend time on what we love.

This gift bears responsibility.

Entertainment is hard to avoid now.

Algorithms have millions of data points feeding us short bursts of dopamine anytime we like.

Imagine understanding our thoughts and emotions at a much deeper level.

We need to protect our minds with healthy socialization and intentional mindful actions.

As technology and AI is evolving more than ever we must embrace it but also build another superpower.

The ability to disconnect.

Think of it like a sauna and a cold plunge.

Our neurotransmitters are going to be exposed to more extremes over time.

If we can jump into the cold plunge or bear the heat of the sauna, we can transcend.

What is the most uncomfortable and profitable action you can take today?

Embrace it and enjoy the ‘productive’ dopamine you receive after.

Enjoy it!


Excel Sheets to Inner Peace…Finding My Zone in a Book Club.


Behave like a leader. Make a miracle happen.