Bad Behaviours :( Science-Sourced Strategies To Overcome!

Since October I have struggled to stay on track with my habits.

For example, I have at times stayed up past my preferred bedtime or gone back to eating in front of the TV.

Throughout these months I have adjusted and learned about myself.

I learned winter changes our release of neurotransmitters & metabolism due to circadian rhythms.

Our body needs to adjust and we may need to adjust our habits to the time of year.

I also learned more about how dopamine regulates our motivation.

An analogy for how it works is picturing a wave pool.

If you are working hard and always getting things done, the waves will be too big and crash.

The wave pool will lose water, you will burn out of motivation and it will take a long time to recover. It is much smarter to pace ourselves in our ambitions.

We all have different habit struggles. But we do share the problems and solutions to a similar degree.

Effective science-backed method solutions

  1. Practice enjoying boredom, do nothing, and be mindful. (Take an actual break)

  2. Meditation (any activity where you are able to 100% focus on your breath and nothing else); or sign up here to join me tomorrow at 12 ET.

  3. A form of asking for help; could be a trusted friend, writing out struggles, or prayer

  4. Helping someone. (this is powerful, often our biggest problem is focusing too much on ourselves)


  1. 11 Minutes/week of cold water immersion below 5C -best for anxiety and fat loss

  2. NSDR (yoga nidra); (search youtube) - best for recharging your ability to focus

  3. Exercise (focus on a balance between zone 2 and zone 5 heart rate for best results)

Picture yourself as Neo in the Matrix saying no to those bullet-bad behaviors with me.

Spring is here! Time to clean house and welcome change.



Dopamine Dependency Disaster vs Modern Monk Mastery


Egg Inspired Minimalistic Goal setting…Break your Shell