How to embrace the pain to thrive. The magnitude of momentum.

In my late 20’s I had some health challenges.

I dealt with the pain ok but took my time with the recovery steps.

This delayed healing and enjoying life.

When covid came, I saw an opportunity to grow.

I worked on my health and attitude to prevent any hard times.

As a result, my life grew and flourished.

Nothing determines the course of our lives more than how we handle pain.

The argument that there is nothing you can do to prepare yourself for life’s challenges is false.

You are building your muscle of resilience, adaptability, and emotional strength each day.

When your alarm goes off, you feel malaise and have a hard day ahead but get up anyway?


When you are at work and chip away towards the new deadline instead of whining about it?

Another one.

How can you build that most critical life muscle?

Do one thing today that is out of your comfort zone.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Calling an old friend you haven’t spoken to in years,

  2. Getting some sun and enjoying a new form of exercise,

  3. Look up a local event and strike up some conversation,

  4. Spend 30 minutes creating some art, music, video, or writing,

  5. Take a cold shower or plunge,

  6. Sign up here to join my free 15 minute meditation at 12 ET on Fridays.

Do something different, do it again, do the hard thing, do it again.

Momentum is simple and scientific.

Go for those wins!


Grit and Gratitude: Navigating Challenges on your Path to Success


Building Resilience and Leadership: Insights from 'Grit' by Angela Duckworth