Grit and Gratitude: Navigating Challenges on your Path to Success

Growing up I spent summers sailing in a bathtub-shaped boat.

I didn’t enjoy it much.

At 11 things turned around.

I built a group of friends and started winning regattas.

I set an uncomfortable yet exciting goal.

To represent Canada at the youth world championships.

My time was already packed and I didn’t have much left.

But if I wanted to have a chance, I had to get to step it up.

I ran 3 times a week. I watched TV on a ‘hiking bench’ in the house.

I went to intense training camps where I felt like a soldier.

Before falling asleep I would go through tacks in my mind.

I pictured myself getting news that I qualified.

How amazing to finally get the letter.

As I reflect on my goals in life, I have failed more often than having success.

Why was I so driven this time?

I desperately wanted it. And believed I could do it.

It was challenging but also rewarding.

The what & why.

What excites you to get up in the morning?

What stabilizes you when the weight is falling off balance?

What pushes you when the momentum you built halts?

It is critical to have a vision.

A clear picture in your mind of what you want and why.

It gives us purpose when we encounter paralyzing fear.

It overcomes the power of self-pity or unreasonable anger.

My vision is to own a property on the water.

I want to have a place where I can help my community realize their potential and surpass their goals.

To inspire them.

This drives my other pursuits, like completing an Ironman.

Want to gain clarity on your vision?

Disconnect from distractions, spend time in nature, reflect, and write.

Then, break down the goal into actionable steps.

Check out the details on how I maintain resilience here.

Gratitude & perspective.

A roadblock is a chance to find a scenic route.

A challenge is a moment to build strength and fortitude.

A problem is another word for opportunity.

How do you view your world?

The more we appreciate the gifts life has given us, the more we attract.

The way we view our life currently defines our future.

I am grateful I have gotten closer to my vision each year.

The challenges have made me a better man.

How to practice gratitude?

Writing lists and saying them out loud or praying can be powerful.

But the most powerful way is to show it through your actions.

Give back. Help someone less fortunate.

Any big goal or vision that is going to be challenging.

It takes Grit. Determination. Stubbornness. Passion.

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford.

Have a compelling why. Stay solid through serving others.

The meditation tied to this theme can be found here.


Contemplation Meditation - Service & Gratitude


How to embrace the pain to thrive. The magnitude of momentum.