Who has made you feel truly valued? Here’s how you can earn it.

I've always had a keen social awareness.

It's both a blessing and a curse.

Forming connections and relationships comes naturally to me.

Being the center of attention at a party is something I enjoy.

I feel an innate need to connect with strangers.

Yes, I'm that person.

My emotions ebb and flow based on each interaction I have.

I know someone who is more reserved when it comes to strangers but deeply cares about her inner circle.

She's also skilled at concealing her emotions.

However, that doesn't mean she doesn't experience them.

With whom do you relate?

Nevertheless, we can all appreciate the significance of those small moments of connection with others.

The underlying principle of relationships.

The quality of a relationship is directly tied to how well we handle our emotions.

This is why I've embraced meditation and mindfulness.

Consider this...

When you have the choice to decide who you spend time with, whom do you choose?

We gravitate towards people we genuinely like.

This even surpasses our trust in them.

Especially when we perceive them as intelligent.

Of course, there are exceptions like Bernie Madoff.

He manipulated people through tactics such as scarcity, urgency, and FOMO.

But then there are those who have done something truly extraordinary for you.

You will forever hold them in your heart.

You'd go above and beyond for them.

People will always remember how you make them feel.


Talk like a leader.

Do you want to create that special feeling for others?

It's actually quite simple.

Be curious and determined to understand who they are.

Show genuine enthusiasm for their passions and dreams.

Explore how you can support them.

Click here to have that experience with me.


The Science Behind Your Best Ideas: Tap into Your Subconscious for Success


Contemplation Meditation - Service & Gratitude