The Science Behind Your Best Ideas: Tap into Your Subconscious for Success

I'm currently on a bike trip in Italy with my parents and wife, and I feel incredibly privileged to have this opportunity.

We've been traveling from one region to another and we're now in Lake Garda.

Taking our time and being intentional, we've been able to discover hidden gems and connect with other people on the tour.

Last year, my wife and I went on a six-month trip to Europe while working remotely.

We found that we were most productive when we stayed at colivings.


We had the opportunity to discover, explore and slow down.

Productivity isn’t about quantity, it’s about quality and results.

Who wouldn't want that if you can work 4 hours versus 8 and get the same results?

The most effective way to recharge is to disconnect & re-connect.


Your surroundings.


Go on a slow and silent walk in nature.

Notice the aroma of the apple orchard or the bites of a beaver on a pine tree.


Become captivated by a fantastic conversation with a new friend who shares similar values.

If you want to hear the conversations I enjoy, here is a good example.

It helped me crystalize a truth for me which now makes more sense.

Our conscious brains are great for brainstorming and are within a two-foot radius around us.

However, our subconscious brains have a capacity of about 11 acres, even though we can't directly access them.

Think about when you have your best ideas—they often come when you're not actively trying to think of them, like when you're walking, driving, or taking a shower.

So, it's important to give ourselves time to reflect and let ideas develop naturally.

In September, we invite you to join us and discover our hidden gem, where you can experience all of this firsthand.

One of the things we do on Friday nights is a 24-hour digital detox, where we put away our phones.

This simple action allows us to fully immerse ourselves in nature and engage in meaningful conversations with new friends.

Find out just how productive you can be when you disconnect and reconnect. We hope to see you there!


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