How did covid affect you? Introversion improvement by physical and spiritual health.

Leading psychologist Jack Muskat has said that covid had an interesting effect on us.

If you are extroverted, you become more introverted.

If are an introvert, well…. Same thing.

This only became obvious to me about 2 years after the start of the introversion.

As an extrovert, it was frustrating because I was having trouble in social situations…

At the same time, I also was emotional because I missed these interactions so much.

I love talking to people.

In this new reality, most of us are working remotely or more than before.

How do we improve in this area?

We must practice.

My strong belief is before that I need to be sound in my physical and spiritual health.

Some examples;

  1. Getting a sweat in, (ideally with friends),

  2. Meditating, (join tomorrow at 12ET), or

  3. Getting silent and spending time understanding my thoughts.

Then, and only then, can I manage my emotions.

If I am able to manage my emotions, I am confident in being comfortable, curious, and vulnerable.

Which is the basis of a good chat in my books.

If you want to have a chat about this, book a time with me here.


Can you think of a time when you have compromised values in the past?


Progress isn’t based upon a set amount of time, but the amount of effort.